Stéphane Zuckerman wrote:

I am using logic:iterate as follows:
<logic:iterate id = "rtSummary" name="recurringTaskSummary">
            <bean:write name="rtSummary"/>

The output is name of objects. However I want to somehow access the
variables employeename, employeeref etc. How do I do that ?

<logic:iterate id="rtSummary" name="recurringTaskSummary">
    <bean:write name="rtSummary" property="employeeName"/>

Don't forget to use the bean naming conventions, though.

As a followup, you may want to consider switching to JSTL for straight-forward tasks such as this: where functionality is duplicated between the Struts tags and JSTL it's generally recommended to go the JSTL route. It's a trivial switch to make, and can be done mechanically in most cases.


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