Antonio --

Does the ViewPreparer (aka Tiles Controller) has access to the OGNL stack?
I am trying to figure out a way to push beans on the root of the tree (like
S2 does) so the S2 custom tags will implicitly link up with them from my
page parts.  The only thing I have been able to figure out so far is how to
attach the tiles controller generated beans to the #request object which
results in messy jsp code.


On 4/12/07, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Antonio.  This is what I decided after searching through the
> jar for "prepare".  Can you tell me if Tiles2 is documented somewhere.

Documentation is on the way, since we were busy preparing a release
(and having Easter holidays :-) ) it never came out, but I hope it is
a question of some weeks.
The official Tiles site is:

> Also, is there a guide that explains the required changes when migrating
> Tiles1 to Tiles2?

I am working on it right now.

>  This looks like some really nice work and I'm happy to
> see that Tiles has remained in lockstep with Struts.  I have used Tiles
> years and have always thought it was one of the greatest strengths of
> Struts.  In fact, most developers around here don't even view them as
> unrelated.  This is probably why I posted in the Struts area.

I assume that you are not alone, there are still some Struts pages
that refer to Tiles 2 as a "sandbox project", and Struts-Tiles is
still there, though it seems not to be supported anymore.

> Sorry about that,

Don't be sorry, you were in the *right* mailing list in your first
questions, but then they became Tiles-related and not Struts-related.

Anyway stay tuned for a release of Tiles 2 very soon.


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