On 10/07/2018 17:08, Mikael Ekblom wrote:


I have now tested the 2.1 version or let us say that the installation procedure was tested. My installation path was from 2.0.9.

Hi Mikael,
thanks for this review.
You can find my replies embedded below.

I am currently working at a better upgrade page:



My findings are the following:

 1. I had the same regarding the Junit version error message regarding
    syncope console, but I did not delete the junit dependency in the
    console pom-file. I just added the version information as
     <version>4.8.1</version>  dummy value and it went through.

Yep, SYNCOPE-1334 addresses this issue.
I will add this to the upgrade page.

 1. The database script generated the required sql-file as expected,
    but I had to manually run most of it to double check that i got
    all the relations and indexes set. I noted during this process
    that the table ownership was changed from syncope to the default
    postgres DBA user, so I had to change this manually. This was for
    the new relations that were created through the sql scipt file.
    Easily fixed though.

I understand, but I think this is expected. It is also the reason why we preferred to generate a SQL script rather than directly executing the generate upgrade statements. BTW, I have found some missing statements (see SYNCOPE-1335), that I will also report in the upgrade page.

 1. The core is not so keen on starting...:) The rest is up and
    running (enduser and syncope-console) but not the core. The log
    claims the following:
        17:31:00.300 ERROR
        org.flowable.engine.impl.cmd.ValidateV5EntitiesCmd - Found v5
        process definitions that are the latest version. Enable the
        'flowable5CompatibilityEnabled' property in the process engine
        configuration and make sure the flowable5-compatibility
        dependency is available on the classpath
        17:31:00.304 ERROR
        org.flowable.engine.impl.cmd.ValidateV5EntitiesCmd - Found v5
        process definition with id: userWorkflow:61:5012291, and key:

I will publish the complete procedure to avoid this error in the upgrade page.

 1. I hope that I do not have to recreate every user due to this

No, not needed, of course.

 1. Regarding number 3: can I somehow affect this during run time
    within workflow.properties or must it be done within the source
    and the corresponding xml configuration for flowable itself? The
    flowable engine has not been in use here before. I just do not
    find out right now where this configuration change should go?

Otherwise...all my own customization did compile for version 2.1 also after some modifications. Optional seems to be in pretty heavy use....:) More has been packed into interfaces.

I will also include the expected code modifications, mainly due to widespread adoption of Java 8 language features, in the upgrade page.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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