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Hi Sebastián,

Interesting, that's helpful to know.  Thanks for passing it along.

What computer information have you added under Manage Computers->Edit Computer 
Profiles?  Is there a computer entry that is in the available state?


On Wednesday, May 20, 2020 10:48:41 AM EDT M. Sebastián Tobar wrote:
> I've solved this problem changing the MySQL mode:
> Now I'm getting "There are no available times that the selected image can
> be used", I guess it's a configuration issue?
> Best regards
> --
> M. Sebastián Tobar
> El mié., 20 may. 2020 a las 11:24, M. Sebastián Tobar (<
> msebastian.to...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> > Hello,
> > I've a fresh VCL install and I've managed to add a "Lab Machine image".
> > Unfortunately, I can't make a reservation on this image. Following this
> > guide:
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=47385093
> > I
> > get this error:
> > 
> > dojo.addClass('admingrpnote', 'hidden');Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause
> > is not in SELECT list, references column 'vcl.c.RAM' which is not in
> > list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT
> > SELECT DISTINCT c.id, c.currentimageid, c.imagerevisionid FROM state s,
> > image i LEFT JOIN OS o ON (o.id = i.OSid) LEFT JOIN OSinstalltype oi ON (
> > oi.name = o.installtype) LEFT JOIN provisioningOSinstalltype poi ON
> > (poi.OSinstalltypeid = oi.id) LEFT JOIN computer c ON (poi.provisioningid
> > = c.provisioningid) LEFT JOIN semaphore se ON (c.id = se.computerid)
> > WHERE i.id = 8 AND c.scheduleid IN (1) AND c.platformid = 1 AND c.stateid
> > = s.id AND s.name NOT IN
> > ('maintenance','vmhostinuse','hpc','failed','timeout','inuse') AND c.RAM
> > >=
> > i.minram AND c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND c.procspeed >=
> > i.minprocspeed AND c.network >= i.minnetwork AND c.deleted = 0 AND (c.type
> > != 'virtualmachine' OR c.vmhostid IS NOT NULL) AND c.id IN ('1') AND c.id
> > IN (1,1) AND c.id NOT IN (0) AND (se.expires IS NULL OR se.expires <
> > NOW()) ORDER BY RAM, (c.procspeed * c.procnumber), network
> > ERROR(129): Failed to execute query 5 in isAvailable
> > 
> > Backtrace:
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > Call#:1 => index.php:AJupdateWaitTime() (line#:99)
> > Call#:2 => requests.php:isAvailable() (line#:1989)
> > Call#:3 => utils.php:doQuery() (line#:4987)
> > ...
> > 
> > Any help will be appreciated
> > --
> > M. Sebastián Tobar
- -- 
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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