My problem (see: Bug in ServerPages Generator ??) could be related to this.

If I declare some string in Java within XSP, I have to use unicode for (in
my case) french characters.  I now experience the same problems with data
coming from my database.

I think it could also be VM related (I'm using 1.4.2_03 *i think*) or the
JDBC driver.
I do not have the problem on OSX, but I connect to the database using the
mydatabase?charSet=iso-8859-1 dburl.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Winnall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: zaterdag 6 maart 2004 23:15
Subject: Re: [OS-X] Serious Encoding Problems (VM Bug?)

I had a similar problem storing German text in a Postgresql database
Mac OS X. I discovered that

1) Java stored data in the database in UTF-8;
2) Java does not necessarily read Strings in the format you would

I populated the database from a Microsoft Excel source using a Java
program and POI. I converted the strings from POI to whatever Java uses
internally using the following function:

   private static String toJava( String cp1252 ) {
     try {
       return new String( cp1252.getBytes(), "Cp1252" );
     } catch( Exception e ) {
       e.printStackTrace( System.err );
     return cp1252; //dummy value to keep the compiler happy: we never
get here

The Postgresql JDBC put the stuff into the database in UTF-8 format.
the MySQL JDBC does something similar.

The Mac seems to prefer something called Mac OS Roman to ISO 8859-1. I
decided to use UTF-8 as "lingua franca" and hope that Deli or something
similar will allow me to generate whatever the client actually wants.

I didn't have to fiddle with the JVM parameters.

Perhaps this helps you...


On 5 Mar 2004, at 17:42, Alexander Schatten wrote:

> Alexander Schatten wrote:
>> JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1'
> I read the Sun documentation now, and extended this to:
> -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 -Duser.language=de
> -Duser.variant=MAC
> additionally,
> -- the LANG=de_DE.iso-8859-1
> -- the two encoding init params in web.xml are iso-8859-1
> It still does not work to send and retrieve german umlauts from Cocoon
> to mysql... (mentioned again: the same cocoon webapp works without
> problems on an english RedHat 9 server)
> now I really have no more ideas...
> please, any other comments?
> thanks
> Alex
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