Yves Vindevogel wrote:

btw.: what do you mean with

mydatabase?charSet=iso-8859-1 dburl.

In your configuration of the datasources: I use this to force Postgresql to send my everything in ISO-8859-1. This works under Tomcat / Cocoon 2.0.x on Mac OSX 10.2 (no panther yet on that machine)

<jdbc name="mypool">

all right; to complete the story, I tried this one too; encoding is still not working.

meanwhile I think I have really set everything that is mentioned in the documentation, the wiki or the mailinglist:

-- LANG system variable
-- JAVA_OPTIONS on startup
-- this encoding in the driver

still the öäüÄÖÜ are not transferred correctly from the database;

I really believe now, this is a VM bug, but I am curious, that there seem to be no other OS X user, that have upgraded the Java VM and did not recognize this problem. (again: the application works fine and without problems on Linux).


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