On 3/8/2012 3:49 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

C) If you want to develop a complete C3 web application

You need to generate a multimodule maven project [2] with the following structure:


Basically, you will need this when either having multiple blocks on a single webapp or when you want to deploy on an external web container (say Tomcat).

In the context of these instructions, which now produce for me a working webapp shell,
where do I start developing my web application?
I expected that I could start putting sitemap.xmap, welcome.html, and other files in

I do this; and when I run
    cd thewebapp
    mvn jetty:run
My new sitemap etc. get copied to
as expected.

But when I try to address any URLs in my new sitemap, e.g. "localhost:8890/test.html", Cocoon tells me (in mywebapp\target\work\cocoon.log) that there is no matching pipeline. But it *does* match pipelines in the mysite sitemap (mysite\src\main\resource\COB-INF).

So then my question is, if I'm running jetty in the mywebapp folder, why is it serving URLs from the mysite artifact's sitemap? Maybe that's by design, that the mysite sitemap is sort of like a Cocoon 2.1 top-level sitemap, which would "mount" the sitemaps of the various webapps? So I should put something like the following in mysite/src/main/resources/COB-INF:
<map:match pattern="mywebapp/**">
<map:mount check-reload="yes" src="../../../../mywebapp/" uri-prefix="mywebapp" />

Then I create my webapp's sitemap in mywebapp/src/main/resources/COB-INF/ and start filling it with match patterns? And I call them in the browser using a URL like "http://localhost:8890/mywebapp/foo";?


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