Hi all,

I am having some doubts in the flow classification pipeline code.

1. I couldnt understand what is the parameter msg and what is passed
in msg in the following code,

static void *
pipeline_ml_msg_req_add_handler(struct pipeline *p, void *msg)
struct pipeline_ml_add_msg_req *req = msg;
struct pipeline_ml_add_msg_rsp *rsp = msg;


2. I also want to add the following function in a pipeline,
static rte_pipeline_table_action_handler_miss
get_ml_table_ah_miss(struct pipeline_mac_learning *p)

For that I am thinking about calling the function
(pipeline_ml_msg_req_add_handler(struct pipeline *p, void *msg) )
in the miss function inorder to add entries in the flow table if it is
not already present there.
How can I implement this?
Can anyone please help me?


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