Am 02.03.2012 09:41, Andreas Säger wrote:

OK, can open source make my car fly and swim if I only wish hard enough?
There are limitations in software development just like there are
limitations in the physical technology.
MS has the big truck and refuses to carry the comparatively small ODF
payload. Instead they do nothing and watch how "we" spend a lot of time
struggling with their huge payload on a comparatively small truck.

Forgot something: MS is well aware of the psychological impact. To the innocent users our project looks silly in its ongoing struggle with an ever growing MS payload, whereas they do not expose any weakness simply doing nothing.

Finally, LibreOffice 6 will be an alternative OOXML suite with ODF as
legacy file format to be dropped in version 7.

That will be the point when MS intruduces the next shit.

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