Okay, here's a weird one.

I'm using a Sony Vaio Win7 laptop. I've been wanting to play with Linux, so I installed Ubuntu 12.10, using the full dual boot install (not the Wubi) complete with a partitioned hard drive.

Ubuntu came with LO I've done nothing to the Linux LO installation other than to change some screen colors and put my name in the General/User Data area.

I'm wanting to direct my document path in the Linux LO to my Win7 document directory on the Win7 partition. When I try to change the paths in Tools/Options/Paths, absolutely nothing happens. I can select the Win7 document directory, but when I click <ok> I get no change. In fact, it won't even let me change any of my paths to anything other than what's already there. I can't even change them to a Linux directory.

It's as if my paths are locked in place, but I can't find anyway to unlock them to allow me to change them.

Any ideas?


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