On 09/10/2014 08:21 AM, Sophie wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Le 10/09/2014 17:01, Joel Madero a écrit :
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2kdRhc960qdMlFhVzAtTllETEU/edit?usp=sharing
>> There is one example file. Go to the very end, push enter a couple
>> times, and then set the style to Heading 3. If you look at the actual
>> style it's supposed to be bolded but it retains non bold from the
>> previous line when you start typing.
> It's strange because if you insert a Title3 before the last paragraph,
> it's bold. It's only if you add it at the very end that it's corrupted.
> You found a bug I guess ;)
\O/ Sweet! One point for me :-D That being said, it's actually not just
the end - that's just one of the obvious ways to trigger the issue. I'd
have to play around with the document to find another consistent place
where it happens. I shall report the bug, quite minor I suppose since
you can always just select and bold the text - just styles should be
consistent all the time (as this is their entire point). Thanks Sophie
for confirmation that I'm not going crazy.


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