On 2018-02-22 20:56, McIntyre, Kevin wrote:
Hello – I’m a newbie so forgive me for blasting out an email to sort some 
confusion I have that isn’t clear from the website.

After download Jackrabbit 2.16.1 war – unjarring setting up bootstrap.properties – 
rejarring and deploying (Apache Tomcat/8.5.28 & JRE 1.8.0_162-b12)  I get 2 
java.io.FileNotFoundException: derby.log (Permission denied)
ERROR XBM02: Startup failed due to missing functionality for 
org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueFactory. Please ensure your classpath 
includes the correct Derby software.

What’s the difference/relationship between Jackrabbit and Oak?

I really appreciate any pointers.

Maybe <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40867163/derby-embedded-driver-error-xbm02-please-ensure-your-classpath-includes-the-corr>?

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