Thanks for that - I too saw that…but I doubted that as the issue since I’m just 
deploying the pre-built war.

Ended up switching to jackrabbit-oak with the understanding that it’s based on 
JCR 2.0 – whereas jackrabbit is JCR 1.0

The versions are confusing – for instance why is there jackrabbit-oak 1.4.x, 
1.6.x and 1.8.x?

More specificity to these differences would be helpful to onboarding.

On 2/22/18, 12:22 PM, "Julian Reschke" <> wrote:

    On 2018-02-22 20:56, McIntyre, Kevin wrote:
    > Hello – I’m a newbie so forgive me for blasting out an email to sort some 
confusion I have that isn’t clear from the website.
    > After download Jackrabbit 2.16.1 war – unjarring setting up – rejarring and deploying (Apache Tomcat/8.5.28 & JRE 
1.8.0_162-b12)  I get 2 errors.
    > derby.log (Permission denied)
    > ERROR XBM02: Startup failed due to missing functionality for 
org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueFactory. Please ensure your classpath 
includes the correct Derby software.
    > What’s the difference/relationship between Jackrabbit and Oak?
    > I really appreciate any pointers.
    > ...

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