Hi Andy, will the GeoSPARQL implementation be available before the jena-spatial 
module is retired?

Regards, Barry Nouwt

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> 
Sent: zaterdag 15 december 2018 00:04
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Retiring Jena modules

Hi Jena users,

The project team is looking at retiring some lesser used modules.

In the next release, 3.10.0, the modules


will not be part of the release and there won't be maven artifacts. 
There haven't been any changes to these modules and the code will be available 
from git history.

Beyond that we are looking at the status of:

   jena-spatial     - to be replaced by a GeoSPARQL implementation
   jena-maven-tools - command line schemagen is in jena-cmds.

We're looking for feedback so please let us know if you use these modules from 
a recent version of Jena.

     on behalf of the Jena dev team.
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