On 07/09/17 07:17, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> Thanks for correcting me on the Centos vs Fedora issue, I made a leap of 
> faith that
> I shouldn't have. That being said, if you say RPMFusion is 375.66 then that 
> is the
> same one available at ElRepo. Isn't the version available based on graphic 
> card
> rather than opSys.

No.  The version of the nVidia drivers supplied by the repo is purely the 
choice of
those running the repo.  They pick up the drivers themselves from nVidia and 
simply repackage them in "rpm" format to make installation easier.

I went by their website, which is kind of hard to read and a bit outdated.  I 
I really should look in the repo to see what version they are supplying....but
frankly it isn't that important to me.
> And I did not know about RPMFusion / akmod support ... I figured updates from
> NVidia would be unlikely for RHEL / Centos but was wondering what I would 
> have to
> do if I discovered there was one.

You may be coming confused as to the purpose of akmod?  It has nothing to do 
"updated" drivers.  The nVidia drivers are in a module which needs to be 
in the running kernel.  You can list those modules using the "lsmod" command.  
All of
these modules are built specifically for a particular running kernel.  For 
example, I
have 3 kernels installed on my system so you'd find this.....

egreshko@meimei ~]$ locate nvidia.ko

When the kernel is updated the akmod process with build the nvidia.ko module, 
it in a rpm, and install the rpm.

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