On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:05:23 +0530
Sreyan Chakravarty <sreya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/12/20 8:06 PM, stan via users wrote:
> > Is card0 the default set in pulseaudio?  Use pavucontrol to
> > validate. Both the setting, and you can play some audio and make
> > sure the meters are indicating on the correct device.  
> I installed pavucontrol and checked my output devices. There is
> nothing listed as "card0" in pavucontrol.
> This is the screenshot of pavucontrol:
> https://imgur.com/a/37skShj
> So I am not sure what you want me to do.

You showed the input tab.  You want the configuration tab in order to
see what devices pulseaudio recognizes.  Whatever is listed as analog
will be the card0 device in alsa, since you only have 1 analog device.
In your case, from your capture, that is 'Built-in Audio Analog
Stereo'. Now you would go to both the input and output device tabs, and
click on the green checkmark to set them as default.  But you don't
have to do that, since the pactl output shows they are the default.

Since that is correct, play some audio and look at the playback tab,
and you should see a meter responding to the output from the analog
device.  It won't be as sophisticated as Ed's output (at least it isn't
here), that looks like output from audacity.

> > You can also do this setting with pactl, see man pactl for options.
> > pavucontrol is easier for casual users.  
> Well I am giving you the info output of pactl just in case that is
> helpful:
> $ pactl info
> Server String: /run/user/1000/pulse/native
> Library Protocol Version: 33
> Server Protocol Version: 33
> Is Local: yes
> Client Index: 16
> Tile Size: 65472
> User Name: sreyan
> Host Name: localhost.HPNotebook
> Server Name: pulseaudio
> Server Version: 13.99.1-rebootstrapped
> Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
> Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right
> Default Sink: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
> Default Source: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo

These are the analog card0 and they are the default sink and source.
So, pulseaudio is setup correctly.

> > If those are correct, everything you've shown me says you should
> > have working sound through pulseaudio.  
> So if pulseaudio works fine, what do I do next ?
> I am out of ideas.

Well, your system is set up in the same way as mine for alsa and
pulseaudio, and mine works but yours doesn't.  So, there is something
else causing the issue.  Do you still have the workaround in place to
switch the default video cards?  Can you revert that and try again.
The reason this might cause the issue is that video cards have digital
audio, and both alsa and pulse recognize that, and your workaround
could be confusing them, causing issues.  No guarantees, but a chance.
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