On 11/23/23 16:53, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Thu, 23 Nov 2023, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 2:21?PM Michael Hennebry
<henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote:

By now, I am fairly sure that the reason firefox freezes
on me is neither a lack of memory nor a lack of CPU.
My inference is that it is waiting for something.
How do I discover what?

I would investigate the virtual memory system. That's based on your
reply to Roger Heflin, and the 8GB of RAM and no swap file. Maybe

You mean this:
Michael Hennebry wrote (some whitespace deleted):
$ free -h
          total        used        free      shared  buff/cache available
Mem:      7.7Gi       4.1Gi       882Mi       572Mi       2.7Gi 2.7Gi
Swap:     7.7Gi        98Mi       7.6Gi
$ I have no swap partition.
I'd have thought 882Mi free and 2.7Gi available would be good.
BTW I have a lot of tabs, but not a lot of videos.
Mostly my tabs are things to read.

Have you checked the journal? I had this happen on a computer that definitely wasn't low on memory and the journal had a bunch of messages from firefox about timeouts.
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