On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 2:21 PM Michael Hennebry
<henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote:
> By now, I am fairly sure that the reason firefox freezes
> on me is neither a lack of memory nor a lack of CPU.
> My inference is that it is waiting for something.
> How do I discover what?

I would investigate the virtual memory system. That's based on your
reply to Roger Heflin, and the 8GB of RAM and no swap file. Maybe
start with `vm.overcommit_memory = 2` in `/etc/sysctl.conf`. The 2
says, "say no if we don't have the memory".

Firefox is a memory hog. It gets worse as you add more tabs. I would
add more RAM and a swap partition. Or I would use a less resource
intensive browser.

If you really want to see memory pressure pain, then install Solaris.
It does not overcommit memory like Linux does.

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