Am 17.06.2013 04:09, schrieb lee:
> Joe Zeff <> writes:
>> On 06/16/2013 05:25 PM, lee wrote:
>>> Where would I find a working computer which I could use and which has
>>> the same or at least a compatible hardware RAID controller to connect
>>> the drives to?
>> Are you saying that you have the only computer in the world with that
>> hardware?  If so, you have only yourself to blame; if not, you're only
>> looking for excuses.
> Just think it through and then explain to me how it would make sense to
> dedicate (a part of the limited) resources to have mcelog constantly
> running

*you* started this thread with "is the mcelog.service of any use to me?"

people explained you why it *could* be useable
why do you ask if you are knowing it better?
so disable it and stop trolling

is it really that hard?

P.S.: and do not forget to disable a couple of other services
which are not hardly needed and enabled by default

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