On 05/03/2015 05:04 AM, Frantisek Hanzlik wrote:
- (bigger harm) Why hasn't Fedora alternative (upstart/openrc) init?
When systemd presents itself as compatible with sysvinit, then IMO
having alternative init in Fedora should not be too big problem.

Systemd is backward-compatible with SysV init scripts, but other init systems are not forward-compatible with systemd unit files. If Fedora were to support an alternate init system, it would have to ship both SysV init scripts and unit files with all of its daemons. Then the developers would have to sort out how to be both a) backward compatible with SysV and b) ignore the SysV init scripts in favor of unit files when systemd is in use. Bugs in daemons might show up under only its unit file or only its init script, which would increase the complexity of handling bug reports. So, complexity is one of the reasons that there's not an alternative init system.

Another one is that systemd enables a handful of Linux features that other init systems don't (e.g. cgroups). Any package that relies on the use of those features might be broken on another init system. Or it might simply behave in a way other than the documentation suggests, which would lead to bug reports that are associated with the lesser init systems.

- (smaller harm) Why hasn't systemd option to run without journald?
...Why then in my system must run journald daemon, quite useless,
occupying 2.5+ MB of memory?

I tend to think that's a better question. 2.5M of memory is trivial, but I have systems where the RSS of systemd-journald is 30M+ The very high variability of the memory size for that process makes me worry about memory leaks.

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