
The spec file provided in the latest stable src RPM makes it possible
to change the name of the resulting RPM. I tried to make use of that,
but ran into some issues. Specifically, the resulting RPM does not
have the etc directory (and sample config files in it). rpmbuild
complained about that when it checked for left-over/unpackaged files,
and it seems that, despite the name change, the etc config files were
still installed under openmpi subdirectory, i.e. the new name I have
provided was not honoured by this part of the build.

Here are my compilation options:

rpmbuild --rebuild --define="configure_options \
               --with-openib=/usr/include/infiniband \
               --with-openib-libdir=/usr/lib64" \
               --define="install_in_opt 1" \
               --define="_name openmpi_mine" \
               -D "_defaultdocdir /opt/openmpi_mine/1.2.3/share" \
               --define="mflags all" openmpi-1.2.3-1.src.rpm

Platform: RHEL4U5, arch=x86-64

Has anybody seen the same problem when attempting to change the RPMs
name? How can I solve/work around this issue?

Adjacent to this, I also noticed that the doc file path remains
unchanged when I request install_in_opt. I get around this by making
an explicit definition for %_defaultdocdir macro on the command line,
but I think this would make sense to include into the spec file
itself. Below would be a simple proposed fix for this:

--- openmpi-1.2.3.spec  2007-07-05 17:00:54.000000000 -0400
+++      2007-07-05 19:39:49.000000000 -0400
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
%define _includedir /opt/%{name}/%{version}/include
%define _mandir /opt/%{name}/%{version}/man
%define _pkgdatadir /opt/%{name}/%{version}/share/%{name}
+%define _defaultdocdir /opt/%{name}/%{version}/share


P.S. BTW, I would like to commend the author of the Open MPI spec file
- it's the most feature-rich spec file I've ever seen. One can learn
from it by example...

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