On 7/9/07, Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:
On Jul 6, 2007, at 12:05 PM, Alex Tumanov wrote:

> Eureka! I managed to get it working despite the incorrect _initial_
> ./configure invocation. For those interested, here are my compilation
> options:
> # cat ompi_build.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> rpmbuild --rebuild  -D "configure_options \
>                         --prefix=%{_prefix} \
>                         --with-openib=/usr/include/infiniband \
>                         --with-openib-libdir=/usr/lib64 \
>                         --sysconfdir=%{_prefix}/etc" \
>                     -D "install_in_opt 1" \
>                     -D "_name openmpi_vendor" \
>                     -D "_defaultdocdir %{_prefix}/share" \
>                     -D "mflags all" openmpi-1.2.3-1.src.rpm

Is that where the docdir is supposed to be these days?  Shouldn't it
actually be $prefix/share/doc/$name-$version?  When I didn't override
the docdir but did use install_in_opt, I got the following in the
resulting RPM:


So I'm thinking that the doc files (LICENSE and friends) should be in


Which actually seems kinda weird, since there's an /opt/openmpi/
1.3a1r15304/share/openmpi/ directory.

Yes, I agree that the result is a little bit awkward-looking, but my
rationale is when someone wants to have the RPM install in opt,
chances are, they want _everything_ to go in opt to make sure parts of
the RPM don't "pollute" anything outside of /opt. So, whatever the
docdir path is is of lesser importance, I think, than just having it
somewhere under opt when install_in_opt is requested. IMHO, the ideal
placement would be for all those files currently going under
/opt/openmpi/share (including LICENSE & friends and help & wrapper txt
files) to be placed under common subdirectory, whatever it might be
called (I would be fine with either %{_prefix}/share/%{_name} or
%{_prefix}/share/%{_name}-%{_version} ).


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