On May 5, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Matthieu Brucher wrote:

> What Terry said is correct. It means that "mpirun" will use, under the > covers, the "native" launching mechanism of LSF to launch jobs (vs., say, > rsh or ssh). It'll also discover the hosts to use for this job without the > use of a hostfile -- it'll query LSF directly to see what hosts it should
> use.

OK, so I have to do something like:
bsub -n ${CPUS} mpirun myapplication

Is it what I think?

I don't know what you think. ;-) But I think that your above command might be correct. You want *1* copy of mpirun to execute. Hence, if

bsub -n ${CPUS} uptime

launches ${CPUS} copies of uptime, then the above command is not correct. You want to submit an ${CPUS} processor job to LSF and have *one* copy of "mpirun myapplication" run -- mpirun will then invoke the underlying stuff to launch ${CPUS} copies of myapplication and join them together into a single MPI job.

I've enclosed the configure output as well as the config.log. The
problem is that my LSF (I didn't install it) 7.0.3 need libbat to be
linked against llsbstream (I modified the configure script to add
-llsbstream, and it compiled).

Huh!  Odd -- we didn't need that before.  Let me check with Platform...

FWIW, you should be able to run like this without modifying configure:

    ./configure LIBS=-llsbstream ....etc....

That should add -llsbstream in the Right places.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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