It seems that the site plugin has lots of issues.

I have a setup as follows:
root/pom.xml (aggregator extends parent)
root/projects/parent/pom.xml (parent)
root/projects/child/pom.xml (real code)

AFAIK, this is a pretty standard way to setup maven, apart from the
extra "projects" folder.

My parent has this config:

The aggregator has this config:

The end result of runing "mvn site site:stage" in the aggregator/root
folder is many errors.

Firstly, it takes forever. It needlessly runs the
validate/generate-sources phases of each subproject many, many times.

Seondly, the output is calculating that the parent pom is the root of
the output, not the aggregator pom. This messes up the generation.

Thirdly, the aggregator generates these sections in the index.html:

<li class="none">
<a href="og-parent/index.html" title="OG-Parent">OG-Parent</a>
<li class="none">
<a href="og-analytics/og-analytics/index.html"

While later on it creates:

<tr class="b">
<td><a href="../index.html">OG-Parent</a></td>
<td>OpenGamma maven parent project</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="..\og-analytics/index.html">OG-Analytics</a></td>
<td>OpenGamma platform analytics</td></tr>

Two DIFFERENT url relativizations in the same file!
The first is clearly wrong with a doubled up entry. But the second is no better.

Finally, the site:stage manages to copy all the files one level higher
than they should be:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building OG-Parent 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:stage (default-cli) @ og-parent ---
[INFO] Using this base directory for staging: C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Opened
[INFO] Pushing C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Parent\target\site
[INFO]    >>> to file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/./
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnecting
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnected
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building OG-Analytics 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:stage (default-cli) @ og-analytics ---
[INFO] Using this base directory for staging: C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Opened
[INFO] Pushing C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Analytics\target\site
[INFO]    >>> to file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/../og-analyti
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnecting
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnected
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building OG-Platform 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:stage (default-cli) @ og-platform ---
[INFO] Using this base directory for staging: C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Opened
[INFO] Pushing C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\site
[INFO]    >>> to file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/..
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnecting
file://C:\dev\og\maven\OG-Platform\target\staging/ - Session: Disconnected

If you look, you'll see that the site:stage copied all the files
ALONGSIDE the staging directory, rather than within it! (With the
exception of the aggregator project, which this time the plugin
decided to put in the right place).

At the very least, the plugin should have a sanity check to prevent
copying stuff outside the staging directory...

I'd also note that the documentation across different plugins sites
(javadoc/checkstyle/pmd/jxr/maven3upgradeNotes) is very unclear as to
what the recommended way to declare config for reports is. Does
everything go in build/plugins or pluginManagement or reporting? What
overrides what? Do I have to duplicate everything? How does it
actually work wrt multi-module builds?

Or more bluntly - why is the guesswork the only solution to setting up
maven? Is it to drive consultancy?

The site plugin is one of maven's oldest. I expected clear
documentation and it to "just work". Neither is true.

PS. I didn't mention the NPE caused by simply configuring the javadoc
plugin with links.
            <link href=""; />
            <link href=""; />
            <link href=""; />
            <link href=""; />
With the links it gets NPE in MXSerializer writing javadoc options.
Without the config it succeeds.

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