If you have a multi-module project and the tests are run as part of the last 
module, you can use the deployAtEnd parameter to delay deploying of artifacts 
until the end of the build.


> On Feb 14, 2018, at 7:15 PM, Eric Benzacar <e...@benzacar.ca> wrote:
> Robert,
> I think you misunderstood my problem.  It isn't a problem of defining
> different distributionManagement repos; like you said that is fairly easily
> handled using properties or -D parameters.
> It is more the question of what kind of plugin is required to run which
> says:
> - download all the artifacts that this multi-module project previously built
> - deploy all the artifacts that were just downloaded
> I cannot think of how to design/configure a project to accomplish something
> like that.  I'm guessing I would have to create a profile which explicitly
> declares each artifact produced by the multi-module project in order to do
> a dependency:copy, and then similarly, use a build-helper:attach all the
> artifacts that were just downloaded.  But that seems like a painful
> solution.  Am hoping there is something easier?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 9:45 PM, Robert Patrick <robert.patr...@oracle.com>
> wrote:
>> Inline...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric B [mailto:ebenza...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:27 PM
>> To: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: Looking for recommendations how to best use Maven in a
>> muti-stage Pipeline build to only deploy at the end
>> Hi Robert,
>> Thanks for the suggestions.  To be honest, I never thought of using
>> regular repositories as staging repos.  That being said, I do see a hiccup
>> with the option that I'm not sure how to address.  In the case where a
>> build is rejected during the pipelline stage, how do I delete it?  I
>> haven't found a plugin that would allow me to delete a build from a repo.
>> And with a multi-module project, there are many artifacts that would need
>> to be rolled back.  I guess I could simply configure the repo to allow
>> re-deployment of the same artifact to these "stage" repos, but if ever a
>> deployment fails part way through, I end up with a repo in an unstable
>> manner (ie: there is no way to ensure that all modules are promoted at the
>> same time).
>> [Robert] Typically, I would solve this problem by simply putting
>> expiration dates on artifacts in the staging repositories.  I have never
>> used Nexus but Artifactory allows you to limit artifacts in the repository
>> by size, last time accessed, etc.  No need to keep artifacts in the
>> "staging repositories" for more than say, one month, anyway since they were
>> either good (and promoted all the way to the release repository) or bad
>> (and are not interesting after they fail).
>> All that being said, the last question would be how to retrieve and
>> redeploy these artifacts from one repo to another?  Changing the
>> distributionManagement settings is simple enough, but how would I instruct
>> maven to download all the modules from a multi-module build and then deploy
>> them?  I guess I could hack a profile in the parent pom where the different
>> modules are defined with a dependency:copy-dependencies goal, but how do I
>> ensure all artifacts that were just downloaded are then deployed to the
>> next repo in the stage?  I would think the only way to do this would be
>> writing my own custom plugin, unless you can think of some other mechanism
>> to accomplish this?
>> [Robert] Another way to do this is to use properties for the key values
>> for the repository URLs in the <repositories> and <distributionManagement>
>> sections of the POM.  You simply set a default value for the properties in
>> the root POM (e.g., with appropriate values for the repositories used by
>> the developers) and then override the property values with Maven
>> command-line -Ds (or profiles) in the Jenkins build steps to handle pulling
>> and promoting to the right places...
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:01 AM, Robert Patrick <
>> robert.patr...@oracle.com>
>> wrote:
>>> While Nexus may not support "staging repositories", it certainly
>>> supports more than one repository so why not just create one or more
>>> repositories that serve as staging repositories.  For example,
>>> Pipeline Steps:
>>> 1.) Trigger a build based on source check-in and push to stage1 repo
>>> if build "succeeds"
>>> 2.) Pull artifacts from stage1 repo, run stage 2 tests, and push to
>>> stage2 repo if tests succeed.
>>> 3.) Pull artifacts from stage2 repo, run stage 3 tests, and push to
>>> stage3 repo if tests succeed.
>>> 4.) Pull artifacts from stage3 repo, run UAT tests, and push to
>>> release repo if tests succeed.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Eric B [mailto:ebenza...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:30 AM
>>> To: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>
>>> Subject: Looking for recommendations how to best use Maven in a
>>> muti-stage Pipeline build to only deploy at the end
>>> I'm looking for recommendations for the best way to use Maven in a
>>> multi-stage Jenkins pipeline build to deploy only at the end.  At the
>>> moment, I'm using Sonatype Nexus 3.x, which means i don't have the
>> benefit
>>> of staging repos.   Consequently, I have to ensure that the only released
>>> versions of my libraries/application are final - they've passed QA.
>>> Additionally, the team wants to ensure that the version numbers are
>>> always incremental and every version in the repo is a consumable
>>> version (ie: I cannot deploy a version 1.2.3 which has not passed
>>> QA/Acceptance Tests, and furthermore, I cannot deploy a 1.2.2 followed
>> by a 1.2.4).
>>> What that requirement translates to is that I have to ensure that the
>>> binary built is fully tested before promoting it to Nexus. (and that I
>>> shouldn't be appending build numbers to the maven version number).
>>> In my mind, I would like to do something the following in a Pipeline
>> build:
>>> stage('build') { steps { sh 'mvn clean install'} }
>>> stage('Confirm deploy to QA'){
>>> steps {
>>> checkpoint 'test server deployed'
>>> script {
>>> env.DEPLOY_TO_QA_TEST = input message: 'User input required',
>>> submitter: 'authenticated',
>>> parameters: [choice(name: 'Deploy to acceptance test server', choices:
>>> 'no\nyes', description: 'Choose "yes" if you want to deploy the QA
>>> test server')]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> stage('deployQA') {
>>> when {
>>> environment name: 'DEPLOY_TO_QA_TEST', value: 'yes'
>>> }
>>> steps{
>>> /* deploy the build to a QA environment */  }
>>> }
>>> stage('Confirm deploy to UAT'){ // prompt user }
>>> stage {'deployUAT') { /* deploy the build to a PreProd/User Acceptance
>>> Testing enviornment */}
>>> stage('Confirm publish to Nexus'){ // prompt user }
>>> stage('publish') {
>>>    steps {
>>>      // mvn deploy -DskipTests (just deploy - don't rebuild)
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> Basically, I want to design my Jenkins pipeline to be my staging process.
>>> The problem I have is I'm not sure how I can only deploy at the end of
>>> the pipeline.  When maven runs the deploy lifecycle, it will run
>>> through all the other stages and reassemble my binaries, which
>>> technically are not longer the same as those that were approved.  So
>>> consequently, my binary hashes that were approved earlier in the
>>> pipeline are not the same hashes that are deployed in Nexus.
>>> I realize that i can probably do some work and use the Reproducible
>>> Build plugin (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
>>> 3A__zlika.github.io_reproducible-2Dbuild-2Dmaven-2Dplugin_&d=DwIBaQ&c=
>>> RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PZh8Bv7qIrMUB65eapI_JnE&r=
>>> nSxyAsyxa1Izff8ULe7vW8u084madbci-hLPsiLpxeU&m=Og2S17jc02JRwm-oHae8UQmi
>>> Ig_
>>> ygbBRL0EQoB_Wvuw&s=zipmYyPLpmFYv1RsnquZtQMf0-HoYoix12SZj6gD2jM&e=),
>>> but that too comes with drawbacks (I want build timestamps in my
>>> Manifest files, and zip entries, etc).
>>> Am I sunk?  Is my only hope to wait until Sonatype releases Staging
>>> repos for Nexus 3.x sometime in Q2?  Or is there some other way I can
>>> work around this?
>>> How is everyone else handling this situation?
>>> Thanks for sharing.
>>> Eric
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