Hi Aleksei, 

I'll add to the manual that - at this stage - you need to add my personal 
repository (http://agilejava.com/maven/) to your list of repositories. I have 
been trying to get the plugin uploaded to the central repository, but for some 
reason you can only upload plugins if you set up an rsync synchronisation 
process, and I haven't been able to do that yet.

In the meanwhile, simply hook up to my own repository. 

There is in fact a samples project with a sample POM here:

(However, it's missing the required repository section.... I'll make sure 
that's getting added.)

Hope it helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksei Valikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 10/10/2006 10:37 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: docbook plugin

I've searched for about half an hour but could not find any "installation 
instructuons" for your plugin. Yes I saw some pom fragments - but how do I 
install/download your plugin? Which pluginRepository should I use?
I'd really appreciate a "ready-to-use" sample project.


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