Ben Lidgey wrote:

We are running tests using Surefire 2.4.1 and Maven 2.0.8.

Looking at the debug output shows:

[DEBUG] Test Classpath :
[DEBUG]   C:\Documents and 

[more jars]

[DEBUG]   c:\Development\Projects\MyProject\target\classes
[DEBUG]   c:\Development\Projects\MyProject\target\test-classes

Which would explain it. Is there anyway to get the test-classes before classes in the classpath order? Setting childDelegation to true doesn't.

I'm not 100% certain you're using the software you think you're using; here's some debugging/analysis tips.

Take a look at That bug was fixed in Maven 2.0.8 and called out in the release announcement as a backwards compatibility risk:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00432.html

As noted in MNG-3118, Surefire 2.3 had a bizarre classpath ordering bug that made the test classpath appear to be correct (test-classes first) under Maven 2.0.7 for some users with large classpaths:

SUREFIRE-61 was fixed in Surefire 2.3.1. Notably, it would make the "Test Classpath" output in -X look correct, while secretly under the hood it would munge the classpath incorrectly!

As a result, for at least one project here at my work, we've seen:

Maven 2.0.7 + Surefire 2.3: test-classes before classes
Maven 2.0.8 + Surefire 2.3: classes before test-classes
Maven 2.0.7 + Surefire 2.3.1 or higher: classes before test-classes
Maven 2.0.8 + Surefire 2.3.1 or higher: test-classes before classes

Benjamin checked in a classpath ordering test in the Surefire trunk that we now run with every release. It's currently passing for me with Surefire 2.4.1 (and 2.4.2-SNAPSHOT) and Maven 2.0.8, and failing with Maven 2.0.7.

Finally, note that your "real" classpath is being output in your target/surefire-reports/*.xml files as the "surefire.test.classpath" property; that may be useful for debugging purposes.


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