Ben Lidgey wrote:

<property value="
C:\Documents and Settings\benl\.m2\repository\junit\junit\4.2\junit-4.2.jar;
[more jars]

With target/classes before targe/test-classes.

This is the reverse order from what it's supposed to be. Not only are test-classes supposed to appear before classes, but both of those are supposed to appear before your dependency jars.

Looks like we'll need to try some more debugging. :-)

1) If you run mvn -X you'll see lots of useful debugging information, including the command line we used to launch Surefire. It looks something like this:

  Forking command line: cmd.exe /X /C '"C:\jdk1.5.0_12\jre\bin\java -jar

You may notice that none of your jars appear on this list; that's by design. Go take a look at the jar file and you'll see that it's a "manifest-only" jar; it contains only a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file, specifying a Main-Class and a Class-Path to run the code. Make sure that the manifest looks correct and that the jars/dirs appear in the correct order.

2) Try pulling down our "classpath-order" test project here:

Run "mvn test" and confirm that you see the same thing I do in classpath-order/target/surefire-reports/TEST-it.BasicTest.xml. I get test-classes first, classes second, and then a whole bunch of jars. If the classpath order is incorrect, the test should fail.

Hopefully, classpath-order will pass on your machine. If that's the case, then the next thing to do will be to investigate what's different between your Inuk projects and our classpath-order test.

If classpath-order doesn't work on your machine, then I'll be surprised; I'm not exactly certain how to investigate that. You could try filing a bug in that case and attaching debugging information for the classpath-order test. To debug, we'd want: -X logs, a copy of your surefirebooter#####.jar, and the two surefire#####tmp files that are passed in as arguments.

Good luck!


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