On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:56 PM, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you have both a <repository> and a <snapshotRepository>, Maven will
> choose based on whether the version number ends in -SNAPSHOT.  Magic.
> :)  See 
> http://maven.apache.org/ref/2.0.9/maven-model/maven.html#class_distributionManagement

Thanks again Wendy.

Another hopefully quick one... The better builds guide mentions about
filenames being used with timestamps appended etc, but yet whenever I
do mvn deploy, I never see that timestamp either in my local m2 repo
or in my corporate rep snapshots dir, It only ever has the version as
I've declared in the pom version for the project. I never see
filenames being created as described below, so I'm wondering if I have
things set up incorrectly:

<quote page 216 Better Builds With Maven>
You'll see that it is treated differently than when it was installed
in the local repository. The filename
that is used is similar to proficio-api-1.0-20060211.131114-1.jar. In
this case, the version
used is the time that it was deployed (in the UTC timezone) and the
build number. If you were to
deploy again, the time stamp would change and the build number would
increment to 2.

This technique allows you to continue using the latest version by
declaring a dependency on 1.0-
SNAPSHOT, or to lock down a stable version by declaring the dependency
version to be the specific
equivalent such as 1.0-20060211.131114-1. While this is not usually
the case, locking the
version in this way may be important if there are recent changes to
the repository that need to be ignored temporarily.

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