On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another hopefully quick one... The better builds guide mentions about
> filenames being used with timestamps appended etc, but yet whenever I
> do mvn deploy, I never see that timestamp either in my local m2 repo
> or in my corporate rep snapshots dir, It only ever has the version as
> I've declared in the pom version for the project.

What is an example of a version number you're using?

If your version number ends in -SNAPSHOT, and you haven't set
uniqueVersion=false in distributionManagement, then you should see
timestamped files in the remote snapshotRepository after you deploy.

This page doesn't say, but I'm fairly sure the default is 'true'....

Is this with the same config you pasted earlier, only a single
<repository> vs. both <repository> and <snapshotRepository>?  Try it
with them  separated and see if that works.


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