On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Another hopefully quick one... The better builds guide mentions about
>> filenames being used with timestamps appended etc, but yet whenever I
>> do mvn deploy, I never see that timestamp either in my local m2 repo
>> or in my corporate rep snapshots dir, It only ever has the version as
>> I've declared in the pom version for the project.
> What is an example of a version number you're using?
> If your version number ends in -SNAPSHOT, and you haven't set
> uniqueVersion=false in distributionManagement, then you should see
> timestamped files in the remote snapshotRepository after you deploy.

me == moron (mostly:)
I 'think' everything is ok. I stated a major falsehood above.. in my
local repo things are fine - I apologize I don't know what I was
looking at to assume it wasn't working there (maybe I was an idiot and
since I was working with Artificatory all day I just quickly saw
1.0-SNAPSHOT and assumed it was a file and not dir to traverse -
regardless, I was an idiot there.)  However, it is Artificatory I was
really confused, since In Artificatory I'll only see something like
"1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" listed.. but in the maven-metadata.xml you will see
the versioning change when you deploy new ones. I'm assuming that's
behaving as normal? (I know this isn't an Artificatory list, but was
just curious.)

I did see this in their FAQ:

Why do you strongly recommend against deploying unique snapshots?

Because doing so normally promotes an unmanageable build environment.
In practice, unique snapshots are never tracked for the real changes
they carry: the snapshot's final name is not human deterministic and
its "meaning" is normally obscure to developers since, by itself, it
has no relation to the source it has been compiled against. Moreover,
many times snapshots in a multi-module environment are dependent on
other snapshots, so you would have to reconstruct by hand a cryptic
dependency chain just to get back to a version you believe is stable.
Often, the identification process of such a version is, by itself,
obscure and is based on common inputs such as "yesterday before
lunchtime everything worked"
Therefore, it is highly preferable to use non-unique snapshots in
development and, when needing, go back to a stable non-snapshot
version by reconstructing one from a specific revision/tag in the VCS,
where the meaning of the artifact can be easily tracked. It is advised
to have the artifact itself embed the revision/tag (as part of its
name or internally) for clear and visible revision tracking.


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