--- Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am Fr, 24.10.2008:
> You may either use the local file directly for a hot
> deployment on your developer machine or you can use
> additional plugins to process the file further.

To give Kent an example:

Consider a pom for building a WAR.
If you set 


and use e.g. the jetty plugin to start your webserver in 1 go:

$> mvn package jetty:run

Then your finalName is being used for 'deployment' and you may access your 
webapp via


which may then automatically be regression tested via Canoo, etc without having 
to type http://localhost:8080/mygroup_id.myartifact_id-2.5.3-SNAPSHOT/ and 
change the version every time.

got it?


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