On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Kent Närling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, but I was kind of hoping that we could use the maven repository as a
> product download repository as well, which would have been nice?
> (anyone else see the logic in this?)
> - updating a project site with product information , release notes and
> download links to the artifacts belonging to it (so they can grab it and
> install it at a customer)

For this, I would create an assembly (zip or .tar.gz distribution)
with the artifacts and documentation.  The assembly is still going to
have the version number in the filename when it gets deployed to the
repository, but I bet you can find a way to remove the version number
in the files *inside* the assembly.

Another idea to get a version-less filename without duplicating the
file:  use a symlink on the repository server.  So you might have
which is just a link to the original.  The link would have to be
updated for each release.

Or you could get even fancier with some code that served up the latest
version based on the repository metadata when it got a request for
'project.war'.  (Actually this thread already prompted a feature
request for a repository manager to allow browsing to
groupId/artifactId/[latest|release] based on the metadata.)


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