You may need to update the logback xml file in the conf folder. There is a
line in there for the processor package. Might be too high for info.
On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 10:50 AM Eric Chaves <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to adapt the flow described at
> using ScriptedLookupService as replacement for SimpleKeyValueLookupService
> to lookup city names and enrich and incoming record.
> When I ran the flow with KeyValueLookupService the field gets enriched
> properly but when I use my scriptedlookup the value always come back as
> null.  The script was pretty simple and I can't figure out where is my
> error. I also tried the ScriptLookup (just the script, not the flow) by
> AloPresto at
> with
> the same resutls.
> I'm trying to the execution to figure out my mistakes but the
> logs are going nowhere. How can I enable logging for services?
> Does anyone spot an error?
> ---[service-lookup.groovy]---
> import org.apache.nifi.lookup.StringLookupService
> class GroovyLookupService implements StringLookupService {
>   def lookupTable = [
>     '1': 'Paris',
>     '2': 'Lyon',
>     '3': 'Marseille',
>     '4': 'Toulouse',
>     '5': 'Nice'
>   ]
>     @Override
>     Optional<String> lookup(final String key) {
>       log.warn('key value: ', key)
>       return Optional.ofNullable(lookupTable[key])
>     }
> }
> lookupService = new GroovyLookupService()
> ---

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