
Because LookupService implements ControllerService, you must implement
initialize(ControllerServiceInitializationContext context), which
Andy's script provides an empty body for. However that context object
has a method called getLogger() on it, so you can override the
initialize() method and save off the logger for later use:

class GroovyLookupService implements StringLookupService {

def log

void initialize(ControllerServiceInitializationContext context) throws
InitializationException {
    log = context.logger

// Other stuff

I admit it's a bit awkward to get at, but the ScriptedLookupService is
more like InvokeScriptedProcessor (ISP) than ExecuteScript; the latter
has a "log" binding so you can make immediate use of it; the former is
more like a full implementation of the interface, so you usually get
the logger a different way (i.e. an init method of some kind). Having
said that, the ISP-based scripting components also attempt to call
setLogger(ComponentLog logger) on your object if that method exists
and the script engine is Invocable (Groovy is).

I can look at adding the "log" object as a binding in all scripting
components, I chose not to for the ISP-based processors in order to
allow more flexibility with how/when logging is done (i.e. "log" is a
global logger but ISP-based components have class definitions possibly
with their own logger). But if it is easier in these cases to just
have a "log" object to use, then that's fine with me, please feel free
to mention that in the Jira.

Regarding the awkwardness of setting log values, it might be nice to
have a script (either in NiFi or available for download somewhere) to
be able to update those without having to scour the logback.xml.  Next
time I have a few minutes I'll whip up a Groovy script to try it out.
BTW if you didn't want to mark all processors as INFO (just your
ScriptedLookupService), you can add a separate entry in logback.xml
for the fully-qualified class name
(org.apache.nifi.lookup.script.ScriptedLookupService in this case) and
just set that level to INFO. Then the other processors would remain at
WARN and not "clog the log" while you're looking for something
specific.  I'll make sure my script handles that (I envision a Groovy
script that loads in the whole logback DOM, finds the node if it
exists and update the level, or add a node if it does not, then writes
it back out to logback.xml).


On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
> eric
> can you please file a JIRA to reflect the awkward process you had to
> go through so we can improve it.
> Thanks
> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Eric Chaves <> wrote:
>> Ok, I managed to make to make it work. I had to add "log.dir=./logs" to
>> bootstrap.conf file in order to have the logs generated. I got a little lost
>> because this property is not mentioned at the docs but I could figured it
>> out reading the logback.xml
>> Once the logs began to be generated I could see that an exception was being
>> raised in my scripts because I was trying to access "log" which does not
>> seem to be available in Service controllers. Once I removed the offending
>> log line, the code worked. Bottom line my attempt to debug the code was
>> actually breaking it. ;)
>> Thanks!
>> 2017-11-05 12:14 GMT-02:00 Mike Thomsen <>:
>>> They go to logs/nifi-app.log. I think <logger
>>> name="org.apache.nifi.processors" level="INFO"/> is actually WARN by
>>> default. You'll need to tinker with the log levels (it's not straight
>>> enable/disable) to get that working.
>>> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Eric Chaves <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike, I'm running nifi using the official docker image (version 1.4.0)
>>>> and my logs folder is empty. I was looking at bootstrap.conf, logback.xml
>>>> and but couldn't found any config value that may
>>>> disable/enable log. Where should those logs be going?
>>>> 2017-11-04 12:55 GMT-02:00 Mike Thomsen <>:
>>>>> You may need to update the logback xml file in the conf folder. There is
>>>>> a line in there for the processor package. Might be too high for info.
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 10:50 AM Eric Chaves <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>>> I'm trying to adapt the flow described at
>>>>>> using ScriptedLookupService as replacement for 
>>>>>> SimpleKeyValueLookupService
>>>>>> to lookup city names and enrich and incoming record.
>>>>>> When I ran the flow with KeyValueLookupService the field gets enriched
>>>>>> properly but when I use my scriptedlookup the value always come back as
>>>>>> null.  The script was pretty simple and I can't figure out where is my
>>>>>> error. I also tried the ScriptLookup (just the script, not the flow) by
>>>>>> AloPresto at
>>>>>> with 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same resutls.
>>>>>> I'm trying to the execution to figure out my mistakes but the
>>>>>> logs are going nowhere. How can I enable logging for services?
>>>>>> Does anyone spot an error?
>>>>>> ---[service-lookup.groovy]---
>>>>>> import org.apache.nifi.lookup.StringLookupService
>>>>>> class GroovyLookupService implements StringLookupService {
>>>>>>   def lookupTable = [
>>>>>>     '1': 'Paris',
>>>>>>     '2': 'Lyon',
>>>>>>     '3': 'Marseille',
>>>>>>     '4': 'Toulouse',
>>>>>>     '5': 'Nice'
>>>>>>   ]
>>>>>>     @Override
>>>>>>     Optional<String> lookup(final String key) {
>>>>>>       log.warn('key value: ', key)
>>>>>>       return Optional.ofNullable(lookupTable[key])
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> lookupService = new GroovyLookupService()
>>>>>> ---

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