Hi I've setup NiFi and NiFi registry to talk securely with 2-way SSL auth
(tls), and so have 2 separate keystores and truststores. The truststores of
each service include the cert from the other service. I am able to go to
https:// NiFI url and https:// Registry url, and see both UI's, and I am
able to create buckets, users, set proxy users in the Registry. From NiFi I
am able to version a flow, and see that flow-name appear in NiFi registry
under that bucket. So here's my question..

Now I am having issues using the CLI to talk from inside the container to
NiFi and the Registry. Both of my containers (I should mention I have
containerized everything), have the NiFi Toolkit installed, and both are
passing the truststore+truststore_type+truststore_pass to the NiFi / Reg,
and are getting a 1 liner exception that I am trying to debug. 

Don't have much to go on, except I know its an SSL issue. Usually a line
like this would indicate that I don't have the cert of the server that I am
trying to communicate with, but since I am inside the container of NiFi Reg,
I would think I do have the correct truststore.. so i am perplexed.

Any directions of help? 
(I have tried adding javax.net.debug to logback in NiFi nifi-user.log but
haven't seen any ssl exceptions come in, nor any java logging, so perhaps I
have a mistake there.. but this is what my next steps will be - to try to
produce more logging)

I have tried 4 different ways to talk using the CLI (and from both
containers - NiFi and Reg). 

Calling from outside providing vars: 
//opt/nifi-toolkit/nifi-toolkit-1.7.1/bin/cli.sh registry list-buckets -u
Doing the same call but from inside the cli:
/> registry list-buckets -u $BASE_URL -ts $TRUSTSTORE -tst $TRUSTSTORE_TYPE
Filled out truststore (as well as keystore info) in a properties file and
calling it from outside cli and from inside: registry-dev.properties. 

/./bin/cli.sh registry list-buckets -p registry-dev.properties
/> registry list-buckets -p registry-dev.properties
I always get the same error message. 

/ERROR: Error executing command 'list-buckets' : Received fatal alert:
Before you ask, i do use https:// and https port, and I do have the right
truststore path and password, otherwise if i provide the wrong password the
CLI complains, and also the truststore is already being used by the Registry
container to make the NiFi <-> NiFi Registry connection work.


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