On 09/02/2011 03:31 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> A post by Larry Gusaas.  He has already replied to one or another of
> the posts that had this text.

No such thread on this list. Perhaps you are referring to the ooo-dev

[ANN] This list is migrating to

> I was using the archive browser form and must have screwed up the
> reply somehow.  (I also posted the same message essentially twice
> because I didn't think I'd sent the first to the list.  Sorry,
> fat-fingered new user of the browser interface here.)
> [I was using the archive and the browser form because there was a
> thread that started before my subscription went into effect.]

No worries.

BTW: on /this/ list we use:
When replying to other people it is customary to intersperse your
response with their questions, both so you can answer the actual
question that was asked, and so everyone else has some idea what you are
talking about. It is also customary to limit your quoting to the minimum
possible to get your point across. Take the time to be considerate,
remember those subscribers who have slow, expensive connections.



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