On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Lesson, use only storage without problems ;-)

hopefully... ;-)

> >> Can you share the output of:
> >>
> >>     sanlock client renewal -s 900b1853-e192-4661-a0f9-7c7c396f6f49
> >
> >
> > No, the storage domain has been removed
> Next time when you have storage issues, please remember to grab
> the output of this command.
> Nir

For example, on a currently active storage domain I get:

[g.cecchi@ovmsrv05 ~]$ sudo sanlock client renewal -s
timestamp=1207533 read_ms=2 write_ms=0 next_timeouts=0 next_errors=0
timestamp=1207554 read_ms=2 write_ms=0 next_timeouts=0 next_errors=0
timestamp=1211163 read_ms=2 write_ms=0 next_timeouts=0 next_errors=0
timestamp=1211183 read_ms=2 write_ms=0 next_timeouts=0 next_errors=0
timestamp=1211204 read_ms=2 write_ms=0 next_timeouts=0 next_errors=0

How do I translate this output above? What would be the difference in case
of problems?
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