On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:06 PM, Michal Skrivanek <
michal.skriva...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > On 11 May 2017, at 19:52, Mark Duggan <mdug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > From reading through the mailing list, it does appear that it's possible
> to have the ovirt nodes/hosts be VMware virtual machines, once I enable the
> appropriate settings on the VMware side. All seems to have gone well, I can
> see the hosts in the ovirt interface, but when I attempt to create and
> start a VM it never gets past printing the SeaBios version and the machine
> UUID to the screen/console. It doesn't appear to try to boot from the hard
> disk or an ISO that I've attached.
> >
> > Has anyone else encountered similar behaviour?
> I wouldn’t think you can even get that far.
> It may work with full emulation (non-kvm) but we kind of enforce it in
> oVirt so some changes are likely needed.
> Of course even if you succeed it’s going to be hopelessly slow. (or maybe
> it is indeed working and just runs very slow)
> Nested on a KVM hypervisor runs ok
> Thanks,
> michal
In the past I was able to get an Openstack Icehouse environment running
inside vSphere 5.x for a POC (on poweful physical servers) and performance
of nested VMs inside the virtual compute nodes was acceptable.
More recently I configured a standalone ESXi server 6.0 U2 on a Nuc6 with
32Gb of ram and 2 ssd disks and on it I have now running 2 kinds of
environments (just verified they are still on after some months I abandoned
them to their destiny... ;-)

1) an ESXi VM acting as a single oVirt host (4.1.1 final or pre, I don't
remember) with self hosted engine (that itself becomes an L2 VM) and also
another VM (CentOS 6.8)
See here a screenshot of the web admin gui with a spice console open after
connecting to the engine:

2) a virtual oVirt gluster environment based on 4.0.5 with 3 Virtual Hosts
(with one as arbiter node if I remember correctly)

On this second environment I have ovirt01, virt02 and ovirt03 VMs:

[root@ovirt02 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-status

--== Host 1 status ==--

Status up-to-date                  : True
Hostname                           : ovirt01.localdomain.local
Host ID                            : 1
Engine status                      : {"reason": "vm not running on this
host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "unknown"}
Score                              : 3042
stopped                            : False
Local maintenance                  : False
crc32                              : 2041d7b6
Host timestamp                     : 15340856
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=15340856 (Fri May 12 14:59:17 2017)

--== Host 2 status ==--

Status up-to-date                  : True
Hostname                           :
Host ID                            : 2
Engine status                      : {"health": "good", "vm": "up",
"detail": "up"}
Score                              : 3400
stopped                            : False
Local maintenance                  : False
crc32                              : 27a80001
Host timestamp                     : 15340760
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=15340760 (Fri May 12 14:59:11 2017)

--== Host 3 status ==--

Status up-to-date                  : True
Hostname                           : ovirt03.localdomain.local
Host ID                            : 3
Engine status                      : {"reason": "vm not running on this
host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "unknown"}
Score                              : 2986
stopped                            : False
Local maintenance                  : False
crc32                              : 98aed4ec
Host timestamp                     : 15340475
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=15340475 (Fri May 12 14:59:22 2017)
[root@ovirt02 ~]#

The virtual node ovirt02 has the hosted engine vm running on it
It was some months I didn't come back, but it seems it is still up... ;-)

[root@ovirt02 ~]# uptime
 15:02:18 up 177 days, 13:26,  1 user,  load average: 2.04, 1.46, 1.22

[root@ovirt02 ~]# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache
Mem:       12288324     6941068     3977644      595204     1369612
Swap:       5242876     2980672     2262204
[root@ovirt02 ~]#

[root@ovirt02 ~]# ps -ef|grep qemu-kvm
qemu      18982      1  8  2016 ?        14-20:33:44 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
-name HostedEngine -S -machine pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0,accel=kvm,usb=off

the first node (used for deploy with hostname ovirt01 and with name inside
oVirt web admin gui of hosted_engine_1) has other 3 L2 VMs running
[root@ovirt01 ~]# ps -ef|grep qemu-kvm
qemu     125069      1  1 15:01 ?        00:00:11 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
-name atomic2 -S -machine pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0,accel=kvm,usb=off
qemu     125186      1  2 15:02 ?        00:00:18 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
-name centos6 -S -machine pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0,accel=kvm,usb=off
qemu     125329      1  1 15:02 ?        00:00:06 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
-name cirros3 -S -machine pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0,accel=kvm,usb=off

I also tested live migration with success.

Furthermore all the 3 ESXI VMs hat are the 3 oVirt Hypervisors have still
in place a VMware snapshot, because I was making a test with the idea of
reverting after preliminary testing and this adds further load...
see here some screenshots:

ESXi with its 3 VMs that are the 3 oVirt hypervisors

oVirt Engine web admin portal with one L2 VM console open

oVirt Engine web admin Hosts tab

oVrt Engine Gluster data domain

Let me see and find the configuration settings I set up for it, because
some months have gone and I then had little time to follow it...

In the mean time, what is the version of your ESXi environment? Because
settings to put in place changed form version 5 to version 6.
What are particular settings you already configured for the ESXi VMs you
plan to use as oVirt hypervisors?

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