On 26/08/14 09:50, Rob Godfrey wrote:
So, I ran last night with a virtualhost called localhost and the address
amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/amq.fanout and it worked fine...
So *has* this stuff changed then, as I say I'm pretty convinced that I tried the Java broker with Messenger a few months ago and it worked and I'm certainly likely to have had a basic config with a default virtual host named default. I've never needed a "localhost" vhost for anything else - for example with the QMF plugin enabled and I do:

qpid-config -b guest/guest@localhost
Total Exchanges: 6
          topic: 2
        headers: 1
         fanout: 1
         direct: 2

   Total Queues: 1
        durable: 0
    non-durable: 1

so for AMQP 0.10 from a python client I don't have to have any other config in place (same for the Java QpidConfig) so this only seems to be an issue from AMQP 1.0 (or possibly just from Messenger?)

I would suggest creating a virtualhost called localhost

What's the syntax for that? I've tried the following (the second object was what I added - I copied the first object, removed the id and changed the name to localhost), but it doesn't seem to work, though the Broker didn't complain either:

  "virtualhostnodes" : [ {
    "context" : {
"virtualhostBlueprint" : "{ \"type\" : \"DERBY\", \"storePath\" : \"${qpid.work_dir}/default/messages\" }",
      "virtualhostBlueprintUtilised" : "true"
    "createdBy" : null,
    "createdTime" : 0,
    "id" : "13fe911a-2dbb-493e-b652-d3b70013e8d9",
    "lastUpdatedBy" : null,
    "lastUpdatedTime" : 1404484979134,
    "name" : "default",
    "storePath" : "${qpid.work_dir}/default/config",
    "type" : "JSON"
    "context" : {
"virtualhostBlueprint" : "{ \"type\" : \"DERBY\", \"storePath\" : \"${qpid.work_dir}/default/messages\" }",
      "virtualhostBlueprintUtilised" : "true"
    "createdBy" : null,
    "createdTime" : 0,
    "lastUpdatedBy" : null,
    "lastUpdatedTime" : 1404484979134,
    "name" : "localhost",
    "storePath" : "${qpid.work_dir}/default/config",
    "type" : "JSON"
  } ]

  (or just editing
your config file to replace default with localhost if you like).

For the next release I'm looking to add aliasing to virtualhosts to make
this a little easier, and have the default virtual host initially also have
aliases of "localhost", "", etc
That'd be good, but like I say i really am pretty sure that this stuff was actually working a few months ago when I last played with Messenger and the Java Broker


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