On 26/08/14 13:46, Rob Godfrey wrote:
To be honest rather than messing around in the config file, it's much
easier just to open up the built in web management console and add the
virtual host from there...

I did begin to wonder that, but I figured I was *trying* to do something that should be pretty simple really and slowly losing my marbles in the process :-(

I surely can't be the only person who has tried to get Messenger to talk to the Java Broker???

Good news is that I appear to be making a little progress, so thanks for the help so far.
./send -a amqp://guest:guest@localhost/amq.fanout

Now appears to work and I've fired up the QMF GUI and can see an exchange labelled vhost:localhost/amq.fanout and that has msgReceives incrementing each time I do send (BTW in case you are wondering the vhost:localhost/ bit is added by the QMF plugin I took the approach of prefixing the name so that basic CLI tools like qpid-config that aren't vhost aware could see different vhost info without requiring changes) e.g.
qpid-config -b guest/guest@localhost exchanges
Type      Exchange Name                       Attributes
direct    amq.direct                          --durable
fanout    amq.fanout                          --durable
headers   amq.match                           --durable
topic     amq.topic                           --durable
direct    qmf.default.direct                  --durable
topic     qmf.default.topic                   --durable
direct    vhost:localhost/amq.direct          --durable
fanout    vhost:localhost/amq.fanout          --durable
headers   vhost:localhost/amq.match           --durable
topic     vhost:localhost/amq.topic           --durable
direct    vhost:localhost/qmf.default.direct  --durable
topic     vhost:localhost/qmf.default.topic   --durable

My next issue is that I can't actually seem to receive the messages I've just added :o) I tried:
./recv amqp://guest:guest@localhost/amq.fanout

But I'm not getting any messages. That call does successfully connect and moreover it actually creates a subscription queue (shown in the QMF GUI - and qpid-config - as vhost:localhost/d905aa40-eb45-4f5a-a949-54f5652dd279) but there are no bindings being created.

Definitely much fun to be had between Messenger, Java Broker and vhosts :->

I've go a bad feeling this is only the tip of the iceberg, why I'm actually trying all this is 'cause I want to try my JavaScript port of qpid-config that uses my JavaScript port of Messenger (I'm not at all ambitious :-D) it actually works perfectly with the C++ broker (via my WebSocket->TCP Socket proxy) so figured it might be good to try it using the Java Broker's WebSocket transport. I'm going to run into more trouble 'cause the QMF plugin uses the default vhost.

The aliasing stuff you talked about should make all this a lot less mind-melting, but in a funny sort of way it's probably good to be noting these issues.


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