Hi Johnny,

Royale (formerly FlexJS) was inspired by Flex and utilizes some similar 
patterns. It allows you to write JS applications in AS3 but it’s not a 
flash->js converter, so flash objects as Sprite are not currently implements. A 
typical ‘Hello World’ could look like this [1] [2].

Alex wrote a nice tutorial titled Royale in 10 minutes, maybe he can post a 
link here.

Some of the videos here [3] can also help you get an idea, although they refer 
to FlexJS.

Hope this helps.

[1] https://github.com/yishayw/Examples/blob/HelloWorld/Examples.mxml
[2] https://royale.apache.org/creating-a-hello-world-in-apache-royale/
[3] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4EsaSA9xpnnraJX7NzpX6eh_P95RO8Pj

From: John Barrett<mailto:johnb...@hawaii.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 9:43 AM
To: users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: Am I missing something

 was about do to the FlexJS -> FDT tutorial, but then before I do that I wrote 
a very
simple HelloWorld, of course this way it is using a .swf file.

With Apache Royal can I just write AS3 (see image) and Apache Royal  will 
convert everything to javaScript for use on the Web/Phone/Tablet/ etc

Is this it, or am I missing something. I think I am missing something as when I 
look at the GitHub age there seems to be more to it.


On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 2:21 AM, Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> 
Are you sure that you are on the right branch in case of royale-asjs. You have 
been asked in the stack traces for 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT version. It should be 

I think in order to work on emulation you have to be:

royale-compiler - develop branch
royale-typedefs - develop branch
royale-asjs - feature/MXRoyale

Are you using those branches ?


2018-04-08 14:12 GMT+02:00 Serkan Taş 

I prefer mvn Piotr,

I first compiled the typedefs and compiler successfuly as Alex informed but i 
got the same error as earlier.

and here is the report :

cd royale-typedefs

mvn clean : success
mvn install : success


(due to the bug in code generator - related to locale dependent capitalizing 
u-case i to İ - I had to change the jvm params)

cd royale-compiler

mvn clean -Djvm.options="-Duser.country=EN -Duser.language=en" : success

mvn install -Djvm.options="-Duser.country=EN -Duser.language=en"

Tests run: 1145, Failures: 4, Errors: 6, Skipped: 4

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Parent 0.9.3-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 4.600 s]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler-Common ........... SUCCESS [ 6.545 s]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Test Utils ................ SUCCESS [ 1.344 s]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Externc ................... SUCCESS [ 16.432 s]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler .................. SUCCESS [02:26 min]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler-JX ............... FAILURE [ 49.945 s]
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: SWFUtils .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Debugger .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: OEM Layer ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Ant Tasks .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Maven Plugin 0.9.3-SNAPSHOT .. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 03:46 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-04-08T14:56:46+03:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19:test (default-test) on 
project compiler-jx: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to 
for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] 
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :compiler-jx

I added params to skip tests

mvn -DskipTests -Drat.skip=true clean -Djvm.options="-Duser.country=EN 
-Duser.language=en" : success

mvn -DskipTests -Drat.skip=true install -Djvm.options="-Duser.country=EN 
-Duser.language=en" : success


D:\dev\git\emulation_works>cd royale-asjs

D:\dev\git\emulation_works\royale-asjs>mvn clean

[WARNING] The POM for 
 is missing, no dependency information available
[WARNING] Failed to read extensions descriptor 
D:\dev\git\emulation_works\royale-asjs\.mvn\extensions.xml: Plugin 
sion:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not 
find artifact 
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[WARNING] The POM for 
org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT is missing, 
no dependency information available
[WARNING] The POM for org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler-jx:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT 
is missing, no dependency information available
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifact
s could not be resolved: 
org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler-jx:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find 
yale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT in 
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots was cached in the 
local repository, resolution will not be reat
tempted until the update interval of apache-plugins-snapshots has elapsed or 
updates are forced @
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifact
s could not be resolved: 
org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler-jx:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find 
yale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT in 
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots was cached in the 
local repository, resolution will not be reat
tempted until the update interval of apache-plugins-snapshots has elapsed or 
updates are forced @
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: swc @ line 31, column 14
[ERROR] The build could not read 2 projects -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project org.apache.royale.framework:projects:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT 
(D:\dev\git\emulation_works\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: The following arti
facts could not be resolved: 
org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler-jx:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find 
e.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT in 
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots was cached in the 
local repository, resolution will not be
reattempted until the update interval of apache-plugins-snapshots has elapsed 
or updates are forced -> [Help 2]
[ERROR] The project org.apache.royale.framework:BasicTheme:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT 
(D:\dev\git\emulation_works\royale-asjs\frameworks\themes\Basic\pom.xml) has 2 
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: The following arti
facts could not be resolved: 
org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler-jx:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find 
e.royale.compiler:royale-maven-plugin:jar:0.9.2-SNAPSHOT in 
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots was cached in the 
local repository, resolution will not be
reattempted until the update interval of apache-plugins-snapshots has elapsed 
or updates are forced -> [Help 2]
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: swc @ line 31, column 14
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] 
[ERROR] [Help 2] 

08.04.2018 13:56 tarihinde Piotr Zarzycki yazdı:

It depends where you will feel comfortable. Maven scripts are quite clean and 
self explanatory. With ANT it does not so obvious. However you probably won't 
change anything in scripts.

If ANT worked for you go with ANT. Going with Maven you will be able to rebuild 
one module and test it. With ANT it is probably also possible.


2018-04-08 12:50 GMT+02:00 Serkan Taş 

Here is the last result :
1. git clone 

2. cd royale-asjs

3. git checkout feature/MXRoyale
4. ant all : failed; details in the mail below

5. cd ..\royale-typedefs

6. ant : completed with success

7. cd ..\royale-asjs

8. ant main : completed with success

9. ant frameworks : completed with success

10. cd D:\dev\git\emulation_works\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale

11. ant : completed with success

If it is ok, i can move on with this.

Piotr, i just saw your mail, do you want me to move with maven ?

1. git clone 

2. git checkout feature/MXRoyale

Folder view :


3. ant all

Folder View :


Fails and the result :

Next : i am going to check-out all tree repo manually and then build with ant 
08.04.2018 10:02 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
If you are using Maven, you may need to build the royale-compiler and 
royale-typedefs repos first. See the README in each of those repos. You can 
also use Ant instead of Maven.


From: Serkan Taş 
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org>" 
Date: Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 11:41 PM
To: "users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org>" 
Subject: MXRoyale build problem

Hi Alex,

Here is the steps and result (i spent some time but could not find a 
resolution) :

git clone 

cd royale-asjs

git checkout feature/MXRoyale
mvn celan

Result :

07.04.2018 17:51 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

Hi Serkan,

That would be great.  We need the help.

We have a wiki page about Emulation components here [1].

And one person has been learning how to help in this long thread[2].

[1] has an API list, but it does not take into account your API usage.  If

you want to integrate your list with the current list, that might be


Let us know if you have other questions or need help getting started.






On 4/7/18, 4:17 AM, "Serkan Taş" 
<serkan....@likyateknoloji.com><mailto:serkan....@likyateknoloji.com> wrote:

Hi Alex,

I am going to be happy to help you and can try to do something valuable

for the process of emulation creation.


07.04.2018 09:20 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

Hi Serkan,

You are correct that are several buttons.  Basic Button just creates a

simple HTML <button>.  There are limits to how nice you can make it


Other buttons try to make nicer looking buttons that you can control


aspects of the visuals.

We are in the process of creating even more buttons that emulate the


popular APIs on MX and Spark Button.  It might be better for you to help

us create and polish these emulations.  Then you may not have to change

your code as much.



On 4/6/18, 1:05 PM, "Serkan Taş" 
<serkan....@likyateknoloji.com><mailto:serkan....@likyateknoloji.com> wrote:


I see that there are several buttons, js, svg and now j. I was using mx

and s ones previously.

I am not sure which one fits best, need advice.

Second one, is there any equivalent of Form and FormItem structure ?

It is takin time tp make the examples work on moonshine and check for

the needed component if exist and then learn :)

Thanks in advance




Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki

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