Hello Jan,

cool progress! Looking forward to test once things settles a bit, although I'm more of thumb person in arm world. :-)

Thanks for sharing!

On 1/30/24 11:03, Frank Kühndel wrote:
On 1/29/24 19:27, jan.som...@dlr.de wrote:
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delayed response.
Yes, that’s me. I am responsible for the RTEMS related work-package in the “cRustacea in Space” project. One of the goals is to create a prototypical port of Rust to RTEMS for our example target platform (Xilinx Zynq).
The status is currently the following:

   *   I have a custom target based added to the compiler sources which compiles Rust code for the Zynq
   *   I ported the stdlib to work with RTEMS (using the POSIX API)
   *   I ported the libc wrapper for this to work
   *   I can now compile the below application and unit test and run it on the (simulated) target using cargo build/run/test without the need to use any extra attributes as a work-around.

fn add_two_numbers(num1: i32, num2: i32) -> i32 {
     num1 + num2

fn test_add_two_numbers() {
     assert_eq!(add_two_numbers(2, 3), 5);

pub fn main() -> ! {
      println!("Hallo from println");
      println!("2 + 2 = {}", add_two_numbers(2,2));

      loop {}

My next goal is to add those changes to the official Rust repos in order to have it as a Tier3 target platform. I need to tidy up my commits and have a few open questions regarding naming conventions (I will start a corresponding thread here shortly). With that done, it should be much easier for others to play around with Rust on RTEMS as it only requires to install the nightly compiler via rustup.



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