2016-01-27 19:38 keltezéssel, Tanstaafl írta:
On 1/27/2016 10:22 AM, Szládovics Péter <p...@szladovics.hu> wrote:
It does support EAS? Zimbra/Zentyal does.
IredMail absolutely not similar with SOGo... :)
Not similar - it *uses* SOGo for the Groupware features, if you elect to
use them.


Note where it says:

"Note: These 2 services require SOGo Groupware, if you need them, please
choose to install SOGo during iRedMail installation."

Not exactly... Less:
"SOGo groupware provides webmail, calendar (CalDAV), contacts (CardDAV), tasks and memo/notes services. *Full/native Exchange protocol support requires OpenChange and Samba4, but they're not integrated in iRedMail, so iRedMail doesn't provide full/native support for Microsoft Outlook clients*, Apple Mail.app and iOS devices. BlackBerry 10 works fine. Check our documents <http://www.iredmail.org/docs/index.html#configure-mail-client-applications> to setup these supported clients."


So, IredMail just an admin frontend for some backend solutions,
No, that would be iRedAdmin-Pro (commercial). iRedMail itself is free,
open source, and basically makes it easy to install everything and get
it working together.

Personally I prefer doing it myself (I like postfixadmin for managing my
user db), but nothing wrong with iRedMail.

I prefer one of any text editor :)

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