JamesDR wrote:

As far as ease of setup? When I first started with SA I was more of the doze admin than the Linux admin.

I've been doing Linux stuff since around 1996/1997 and have my own dedicated server that I get to ruin^H^H^H^play with before rolling it across work-related matters. I'd been using SpamAssassin for some time in a personal capacity and in fact it was probably one of my first suggestsions at work that we use it. The typical argument of having people maintain it versus an appliance did come into play.

Ironically, after many years of faithful Linux use we're going down the Exchange route and mail handling to be given over to another department. I doubt we'll see a SA Linux box there. Oh well. I'm used to disapointments over the years, so it wasn't too much of a surprise to me.

As for upkeep, SA hasn't given me much work to do to be quite honest. It pretty much runs itself and the mail server hasn't so much as bulked with the workload yet. I've never had any complaints about it's ability to detect/catch spam or false positives. And has been said by a few others - you can't buy the kind of support (of which many of the appliance vendors wanted outrageous sums to be given over to them) that you get here or mostly any other public mailing list/forum/newsgroup for that matter.


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