> > I have tried different approaches, and let us not forget I have
> out 3 whitelist forms, and received no response from Yahoo. Their
> is breaking RFC's by not delivering mail. They are ignorant towards
> companies trying to use their service.
> But they do deliver the mail. You've even said so above. If this is
> paid for accounts, I can see there being an issue. If it is for free
> accounts, how do you think they make their money to support free
> accounts? By requiring the free accounts to login to do some things.

Delivering mail via a filter we have no control of, directly to a folder
the user never see's, is not delivering mail, in my book. Or a lot of
people's book.
It is for paid accounts, by the way.

I'm not about to start seeing that what Yahoo is doing is acceptable or
correct. No matter what "sense" you try and make of it.


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