On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 08:49 +0000, Anthony Peacock wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just received a number of spam emails which got through the 
> filtering system because they hit the HABEAS_ACCREDITED_COI rule, which 
> give them -8.  They all came to role based addresses that are never used 
> to outgoing emails and would certainly never be subscribed to opt in 
> email lists.
> I have had a look around the http://www.habeas.com/ website and can't 
> really see how to check the company in question, or make a complaint. 
> There is a form for asking them to ask the company to remove these 
> addresses from their mailing list, but I don't want to have to do that, 
> I want to complain about the company.
> Does anyone know anything about this.  At this stage I am planning on 
> changing the score for all HABEAS_ACCREDITED_??? rules to 0, to make 
> them neutral to the score.

Please give me the domain name , I will block it at my MTA 

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