Hi Roberta,

I think the problem lies in just this snippet:

>> X-SMTP-Auth-NETI-Businesmail: no
>> Received: from ...mada30 (xx.175.190.90.dyn.estpak.ee [xx.190.175.78])
>>      by Relayhost2.neti.ee (Postfix) with SMTP id CE2621F9E65
>>      for <.....@online.ee>; Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:29:07 +0200 (EET)

This reads like a dynamic client originates a message to some (presumably open)
relayhost. In reality I would assume that the sender acts as a civilised one 
and authenticates
with that "relayhost", which is its outgoing mail server.
Now, an authenticated mail should probably NOT say
x-smtp-auth: no
but the received line SHOULD SAY something like
... by ... with authenticated SMTP
... by ... with ESMTPA
There are a few formats that SA accepts as auth indicators.

So the problem lies with neti.ee - if they are acting as an official outgoing 
mail server, they
should change their config 

Wolfgang Hamann

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