To be honest it sounds like you want MailScanner.

Eddie Hallahan
Enterprise Management Consulting

Enterprise Management Consulting is a company registered in England and Wales 
with company number 3134544. VAT registration number is 681038440.

Shane Webster wrote:
> Spamassassin Version 3.2.5
> I am curious if it is possible to rewrite the subject based on the value
> of the score. A example of this would be if a score of 4.0 was given the
> subject would state [Potential Spam], but if it was 5.0-10.0 then it is
> [SPAM] if it was greater then 10.0 it would be [SUPER SPAM]. I
> understand this may seem odd but I am just trying to fill the request of
> the client and what they want.
> I would appreciate any incite, I am willing to do the scripting for this
> if needed, but I would appreciate a point in the right direction
> please. 
> Thank you, 
>    Shane M. Webster

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