LuKreme wrote:

> On 5-Dec-2009, at 07:57, Per Jessen wrote:
>> It seems to me the UK pretty much has its own CAN-SPAM bill - I can't
>> remember where I saw it, but it is apparently completely legal to
>> send unsolicited marketing email to businesses.
> Completely irrelevant. 

Not in a context of CAN-SPAM, no. 

> the legality or illegality of a specific spam message is not relevant
> to anyone unless that person is tasked with enforcing some anti-spam
> law. 

Correct, but that is a different context.

> The simple fact is, the vast majority of spam is completely
> unconcerned with laws, is by design untrackable, and all the
> legislation in the world will do *nothing* to curtail it.

No legislation is any good without enforcement.  Provided you have both
and the enforcement is "heavy handed", spam is not a problem.  What we
have just been discussing are two countries that have no real
legislation against spam, but in fact explicitly allow it in certain

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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